

Saturday, July 14, 2012

an introduction

Going to try this blog thing out again. I enjoyed it briefly back in '08-'09, but life got busy, complicated, blah, blah, blah.  But with a greater number of close friends and family scattered around the globe, my hope is that I can fill in the gaps between those special calls, skype visits, emails and texts.

Just in case you aren't a close friend or family member, we are a military family of four.

Sandman is my love and best friend, an active duty military man, football-loving daddy to our boys, a God-fearing man of integrity who teaches us how to be strong and courageous every day.

Buddy is our 6 year old firstborn son...an intensely sensitive and creative boy, who loves hard and plays wildly. He adores camping, soccer, MarioKart, playing in the backyard, his horseback riding lessons, and at the moment, has plans to be either a Storm Chaser or a Blue Angel Pilot (that can play the drums and the trumpet.)  Has a scary knowledge of aircraft and enjoys his life a military brat.

Nugget is our (nearly) 5 year old second born son...my quirky little mama's boy, a hugger and a kisser, silly little guy with a hilarious imagination. He loves dinosaurs, soccer, chasing animals, and poppin' wheelies on his bike (not really...though he's fiercely proud of ditching the training wheels last month!)  I have no idea what he wants to be when he grows up....this kid is limitless.

I am KJ: Mom, teacher, chef, military spouse, financial advisor and officer, nursemaid, friend, etc. I would not change a thing about this season of life. I am content and feel that the Lord has brought me to not only this physical location, but to a place in my life where I am striving to serve Him through my parenting, teaching and those I interact with in our daily life.  I enjoy sports, music, camping, chatting with my girlfriends, Disney World, and real buttercream icing.

Bear with me...pics to come, and more posts to follow......

I have also been informed that "KJ" isn't cool enough for a bloggy nickname.  Sandman requested that we keep things semi-private due to his job, and these are the names I chose for various reasons.  I am only slightly nervous about what these informants plan to name me.

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