

Sunday, March 31, 2013


We love Texas. I grew up there. I was almost born there. Sandman had to wait until he was 11 to live in Texas. We both went to college in Texas. It's just home. For all it's faults, it has 78,351 AWESOME things. Sandman and I have no idea where we'll end up after this military gig, but right now, Central Texas would be alright.

We took a spring break down to Houston to visit family, to have free babysitting, and to visit a dear, lifelong friend that lives in Africa.  Sandman and I got that 10th Anniversary mini-trip. The boys got a lot of grandparent time, the zoo, Rainforest CafĂ©, an Astros baseball game, and some cousin time.

Unfortunately, I took almost ZERO pictures. It's sort of like how the Christmas holidays are devoid of many pictures. I get into a rut where I just don't take pics because I'm living life. It's why my video-taking skills are HORRIBLE- I'm watching the live event and not watching through my camera display.

So, I'll celebrate our trip with a million pics of my boys in the bluebonnets. Spontaneous stop, somewhere near Brenham. Or Bryan. Or somewhere else. I can't remember. They aren't the best pics...no outfit prep....no combing/styling of hair...it's cloudy.... But they are Real Life pictures of my sons in a field of that precious, little blue wildflower. And that makes me smile.

We didn't pose these next two...they insisted on taking a picture with the little Indian Paintbrushes.

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