

Sunday, March 31, 2013

my sandman

My Sandman works hard. Our move here put him in a strange situation career-wise. We weren't really sure what the God had in store for us (him, really,) and I'd be lying if it wasn't hard to just blindly trust that He would provide. Without going into those details, Sandman was eventually put in a position with great potential. The pieces fell in place so precisely that we couldn't imagine planning it any other way. Thanking the Lord for his provision and plan was all we could do, and we continue to thank him for all the many amazing things he's done over the last year and a half.

In sort of a culmination of God's provision, Sandman received a "Something of the Year" award for 2012. Receiving this type of acknowledgement from his commanders was just unbelievable, especially when we look back to the situation the previous year. Here's our picture on the night of the awards banquet back in February.

My Sandman and I also celebrated 10 years of marriage this month. I can honestly and plainly say that we are closer than we were 10 years ago, and for all of the ups and downs over the last almost 15 years, I can't imagine spending that time with anyone else. I am proud of our marriage, and I'm proud of the people we are becoming...lots of growth and change and development as we follow God. It's just something I don't take for granted.

While we were in Houston, we took advantage of free babysitting, and we spent a couple nights at a fancy hotel. We saw Jersey Boys. We ate fancy food and acted like tourists. So while we may not have had a second honeymoon, I'm glad we were able to officially celebrate each other and how far we've come together.

These kids have no idea what's in store for them. Such babies! But life has brought us such JOY together, and I can't even imagine what our Father has in store for the next ten years. He's been so faithful to us, such a constant when our lives were in chaos, and I know he brought us together for those times.

This moment. Those grins. These sweet faces. Sometimes I can't stand the cuteness. I love this man.

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