

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

bottomless lakes state park

During the first week of January, we drove to Roswell, NM for a camping trip. Actually, Sandman and I had an AWANA conference to attend, but we knew there were some cool campsites there, so we pulled the trailer down to make a long weekend of it. It's a fascinating park: lots to learn about at the visitor's center, a number of trails, and a series of sinkholes. The entire time we were there, the boys called them "dipholes" which, to us, sounds....really wrong. HA. But the sinkholes and how they are formed allowed for some geology lessons and cool exploration.
Here's Buddy earning his keep by helping us set up the camper.
Yes, that's snow around them as they stand in front of a sinkhole. It was FA-REEZING the first day and night we were there. I'm actually really impressed with
our boys' attitudes....maybe they won't understand complaining about the cold until they are teens.  
This is one of the bigger sinkholes. 

If you follow along the tops of these sinkholes, you eventually reach this lookout point. This lake....pond...whatever...is the largest, and the section over to the left has a depth of 90 feet! Divers come here when the weather is warmer, so Sandman is already plotting a diving trip. In the middle of the picture, you can sort of see a beach area for swimming, and they have paddleboats and canoes and that sort of thing during summer months.
Nugget is so photogenic, yes? Seriously, he's not mad.
And now he's a cheese face.
This panoramic view is along a boardwalk trail through a marshy area. You can see our four little shadows! 
 Can't go on a hike without some sticks for protection and your trusty dino (who is hanging out on his pants loop.)
Another footprint lesson. The boys are getting better at identifying different critters,
and this swampy marshy place had a wide variety!

 Awesome golden hour shot of Buddy, the mesa line, the CCC buildings and lookout tower.

Great state park! I'd love to go back, but there are quite a few more on our list. This one would be fun for a spring trip when it's warmer but not too hot that we're miserable. I'm hoping we can head up to Colorado during the miserable summer....

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