

Monday, December 31, 2012

buddy's 7th birthday

Happy 7th Birthday to my Buddy! It's so hard to believe he's seven years old. I love this kid so much, and I learn from him daily. So creative, so sensitive, so deeply emotional, and a friend to all. Life with Buddy is a loud, hilarious, happy, chaotic, challenging, and exciting life. We were truly given a special gift with our big boy! He's doing well in 1st grade, horseback riding, participating in multiple church activities, soccer, and loves Star Wars, legos, and cheese pizza.
Birthday morning. Pretty sure this pic is evidence of Nugget not being a morning person-
my payback for not being one my entire life and giving grief to my family, my former roommates, and my husband.
 Cake and a few more presents that night.
New Bike!!!
This is a common scene in the fall/winter- Snuggles with Daddy while watching football.
I know Sandman will likely give me grief for this one (probably taken after an outing...
he's not accustomed to running around in an undershirt...except on a lazy Sunday afternoon or after work.)

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