

Monday, December 31, 2012

buddy's 7th birthday

Happy 7th Birthday to my Buddy! It's so hard to believe he's seven years old. I love this kid so much, and I learn from him daily. So creative, so sensitive, so deeply emotional, and a friend to all. Life with Buddy is a loud, hilarious, happy, chaotic, challenging, and exciting life. We were truly given a special gift with our big boy! He's doing well in 1st grade, horseback riding, participating in multiple church activities, soccer, and loves Star Wars, legos, and cheese pizza.
Birthday morning. Pretty sure this pic is evidence of Nugget not being a morning person-
my payback for not being one my entire life and giving grief to my family, my former roommates, and my husband.
 Cake and a few more presents that night.
New Bike!!!
This is a common scene in the fall/winter- Snuggles with Daddy while watching football.
I know Sandman will likely give me grief for this one (probably taken after an outing...
he's not accustomed to running around in an undershirt...except on a lazy Sunday afternoon or after work.)

Sunday, December 30, 2012


School all but stops from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, but we hung in there this year much better than last year. We will school more consistently this summer so that we can put the 'reading, writing, 'rithmetic,' aside and just focus on Christmas activities once Thanksgiving is over.  This year, we finally started a Jesse Tree tradition. We managed to not keep up with it the way I'd like to, but the kids enjoyed it.

Here's an explanation of the Jesse Tree from the Etsy shop where I bought our set. Found here, at Inspired Tradions on Etsy.

"The Jesse Tree tradition began as a family tree for Jesus. It originates from Isaiah 11:1, which says, "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse". Jesse, the father of King David, is one of the patriarchs through whom Jesus' lineage is traced. This Jesse Tree ornament set can be used much like an advent calendar. Advent, meaning "coming", refers to the anticipation of the coming Christ. There is an ornament for each day in December through Christmas day that depicts a story from biblical history. For each symbol there are correlating Old Testament and New Testament scriptures. These stories give a "refresher" of the Bible as a whole, all the while reminding us of how the scriptures are all connected in the theme of God's grace. Some of the Old Testament symbols were chosen because a person in the story is in the lineage of Christ while others because Jesus himself referred to some part of the story. The New Testament symbols chosen have the prophecy scriptures referenced from the Old Testament. From the story of creation to the story of the wise men following a star, each symbol was chosen to help tell the story of God's plan to bring us back to himself through Jesus. The Jesse Tree displays the story of the coming Christ, carved out through history, by the sovereign hand of God."

I got a small 3' pre-lit Christmas tree on sale, but the ornaments can be displayed anywhere or on your main tree. I liked having them separate.  There are also sets that are much cheaper, paper sets that kids can color, or you can make your own symbols. I'm the opposite of talented when it comes to crafts and arts, so buying our family something pre-made was the best option for us. The quality of the Inspired Traditions set is great and they will last quite awhile.

Nugget had a Christmas program at his preschool. He cracks me up with his faces, especially when you catch him with the camera!

Stopped singing as soon as the camera went up.
"I will not perform for you" face
Buddy entertainment


We made salt dough ornaments for our tree and to give away. We made lots of cookies, and at Nugget's request, we made cupcakes. I also made a ton of our "bar cookies" and peppermint brownies, and we enjoyed sharing our goodies with friends and family!

 An early December dusting

I was not all that camera happy this Christmas, which is both a blessing and a bummer. I enjoy having events documented, but I also enjoy soaking up the family time and celebrating our Savior, and sometimes for me, the camera gets in the way.  I'm still hoping that more pics surface (like the November ones) and it's likely that they will as sometimes we have put them on the laptop or tablet when the camera is full.

Nanni and Gran and Grandad were all here for Christmas, and we had a lovely time entertaining. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were relaxed, we read from the Bible, played Christmas music, cooked delicious meals, and enjoyed the company. It even snowed on Christmas Day- just a dusting again, but it's still so special to our little family that's used to wearing shorts on Christmas Day and cranking up the AC.

Next year, I am hopeful that we will have quite a different celebration. It would be nice to have family in town again, and snow would be sweet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

texas trip

I'm so behind already in my blogging, so I'm just going to share a gazillion pics. And I'm missing some pictures from late November, so I'll add them when we find them.

We traveled to Houston for Thanksgiving, and after a short visit, we hit San Antonio on our way home. Sandman had to attend a conference or teach or inspect or something there at the base. We even drove by our old house (currently rented out) and that stirred up some unexpected emotions! When we arrived at that house in '07, we were a family of 3 with a 16 month old toddler. When we left, we had an almost 4 year old boy and a 2 year old toddler. Lots of deep memories.

We also enjoyed the many playgrounds on base, as one of the TLFs was actually old base housing. We managed to bring a little school with us, and the boys and I took a trip to the zoo. That brought back some memories, too, as we spent a lot of time there when the boys were little!

Nanni joined us mid-week, and after eating at one of our favorite tex-mex spots downtown, we toured the Riverwalk and walked over to the Alamo. Sandman couldn't help but throw in some Texas history. I think we're all Texans at heart, even if Nugget is the only one of us actually born in Texas.

One place we never visited while living there is Natural Bridge Caverns. I'd been twice as a kid- once with my parents, and once on a school band trip when the weather was too cold for us to go to Schlitterbahn. The boys LOVED it, and we will definitely return. Another new place for all of us was the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, one of those wildlife preserves where you drive through and feed lots of hooved critters and hope they don't slobber in your car. I have GOT to find the photos and videos of that experience, because it was priceless. And hilarious. And we're thankful that Sandman was using his tablet to take pictures and resting it on his lap because that ostrich was seriously invading his personal and private space if you know what I mean. Or not....hopefully we'll find the pics.

Our last day in San Antonio, we took advantage of the free admission to Sea World for military families. Sea World was all decked out for the holidays, and personally, I LOVE THAT SO MUCH. Our last minute trip to Disneyworld in '09 was at that time of year, and it was super fun.

We made up for our free tickets while feeding the dolphins.
Oh, I can't explain how cool it is to be so close and interact with such beautiful, friendly and intelligent animals!

Candy Cane forest with a local singer performing timeless Christmas favorites.
My inner Clark Griswold enjoyed the ambiance.

It was hard to get them off this thing.

Sandman almost had to force me on to this ride. I can't believe how scared I have become of big coasters! We used to visit AstroWorld all summer long as a kid! But I made it, and it was a smoking ride! I did feel queasy afterwards, which only made me feel more like a wuss because Sandman and Nanni rode it TWICE.

The kids love whales, so watching these amazing creatures in person was a treat!