

Monday, November 26, 2012


Buddy started his second year of homeschool this year.  So far, homeschooling has been nothing like I expected, but it's much better than we could have imagined. 

I have become more open to long term home school.  I have seen too many amazing families with kids that homeschooled right on up until college to be afraid of it.  And it works well with our family.  It gives me some freedom.  I still think we'll pray about each year, but for now, it's what we're doing.  It's not what I envisioned myself doing 7 years ago while holding my little Buddy in my arms, but I don't think I was ever opposed to the idea. But it definitely took some prodding from the Lord to encourage me to seek his direction for our children's education.

We're using a mixture of Sonlight, Math-U-See, Awana- Sparks, A Reason for Handwriting, Explode the Code, First Language Lessons, and a ton of other books.  Because Nugget participates on the days he isn't at preschool, I chose some book lists that are geared for younger kids....around a PreK-K level.  But with Buddy in 1st grade, we've almost read all of them (and many others.)  So, we may move on to the next level after the holidays.  I think my planning was sound, but Buddy loves for me to read to him, so we've read just about all of the entire year's material!

Sandman and I have been encouraged by a number of homeschooling families to come up with a list of written reasons why we have chosen to homeschool. It comes in handy when talking with naysayers....or just on those days where I am ready to ship everyone off on a bus IMMEDIATELY. We're still working on that written list, but honestly, I don't think the list would be the same today as it might have been a few years ago when we started seriously considering this option for our boys' education.

And if we were not homeschooling, we'd miss out on some of these opportunities:

Both boys riding. Sandman coaching Nugget.
Helmets on. Ready to go. 
Post-ride doggy-lovin'

A "reward" ride on the atv as a positive consequence for a good lesson learned. Having the ability to learn genuine life lessons is a huge blessing to homeschooling. He can't get this stuff elsewhere.

Town ruins at Sugarite Canyon. Homeschoolers can have lots of field trips, and we absolutely take advantage of camping trips and other experiences to learn more about history, ecology, astronomy, biology, etc....the list is infinite! 

Maybe someday I'll get around to finishing that list of reasons, but until then, we know God led us here, and we're reaping blessings from it already. I can't imagine not having our family together these days. I can't imagine anyone other than Sandman or me being the biggest influences on our children. I can't imagine not tailoring Buddy's education to his specific and lengthy list of needs. We are our children's biggest advocates. We know them deeply. And yes, there's a great element of trust involved, and there are also many days where I feel totally inadequate and incapable of teaching them. But my God has given me His strength and courage, and I choose to be faithful to Him. 

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