

Thursday, February 28, 2013

new mexico-syle blizzard

All of our snows this past fall and winter have been dustings. Maybe an inch or so, but nothing more. A few times, the boys had enough to play in and have some fun, but it never lingered on the ground for more than a day. One time, it snowed in the morning, and by 11am, anything exposed to the sun was gone!

Here's an early February snow. I think this one was super cold, but as you can see, there's not much there.

So we were clipped by a blizzard! The winds had been blowing hard all night, and we awoke to a beautiful white blanket on the ground. I got to see what sideways snow looks like. The yard was nicely covered, and we even had a few snow banks that were 4 feet tall! Not sure how or why my camera took these in B&W, but it did. I actually really like the front door picture.

 This snow bank was almost as tall as Buddy, and he's over 4 feet tall. Of course, Nugget had knocked it over by the time a took a pic.

 Evidence of the wind...you can see the brown grass behind our snowman.
 Sandman was mostly responsible for the construction of our biggest snowman to date. I decorated. Had the snow been less powdery, he would have been taller.

The cold weather and snow have been very enjoyable to us here in New Mexico. There isn't enough of it for us to grow tired of it or even long for warmer weather. Experiencing four seasons instead of 2ish makes for a nice year and a more traditional feel to some holidays. I won't mind if we return to Florida someday, but for now, most of New Mexico's weather has my heart! 

Now, if we could only lose the dust and dirt and crazy wind......