

Sunday, October 14, 2012

house on wheels

Well, not really.  It's no secret that our family has loved camping over the last few years.  We have been fortunate to live in places where camping is easy and accessible, and we love embracing adventure each trip. 

Here in New Mexico, the wind comes whistlin' down the plains quite fiercely.  Last summer, our beloved tent took a beating, and the wind snapped one of the tent poles.  That tent had been through so much....we initially bought it because Nugget's pack'n'play would fit on one side, as well as a KING size air mattress--  who doesn't take their 2 year old and 6 month old camping??!  But it has been the perfect tent.

After renting some pop-up campers from the base's outdoor recreation department, we decided to look into purchasing our own camper....the wind and the cold pose a greater threat here than our balmy Florida climate, and while it wasn't expensive to rent, it made more sense to find something moderately priced and used.  It took months of praying and looking and emailing and praying, but we found the perfect set-up for our (hopefully) growing family.

We picked it up on a Thursday afternoon from a lovely family in Lubbock, and that weekend, we set out for northern New Mexico.

Here's our new setup!  I'll get some better pics the next time we take it camping.

As you can see, we always pick the best weekends to go camping.  We had snow the first night, and we woke up to ice and sleet all over everything.
 Exploring near our site.
 Hot chocolate in the camper.  For those of you who know us well, do you recognize the bright and green and red blobs behind Nugget's head?  We never leave home without them!
 We drove across the border into Colorado and stopped to admire the mountains and colors.

 We found another campground in Colorado, and I know we'll be back to camp there!
 Mule deer were out and in abundance.....
...as were the wild turkeys.  These guys were EVERYWHERE.
 And we saw a BEAR!!!

 Practicing his ninja skills....

These red rocks are somewhere between home and the campsite.  Just gorgeous.
Needless to say, we love camping.  It's such an escape for our family. 
....and that isn't a bear, but did I fool you?  We sure thought it was on a first glance.