

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

first day of school

Yesterday, we started our 2012-2013 school year! 

Buddy is in the first grade and was on his way to a horse lesson, and Nugget is in pre-K at our sweet little preschool down the street. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

our summer picture overload

I had plans for continuing our homeschooling into the summer.  It was mostly going to be reading books together with some writing and other activities thrown in for good measure.  It turned into just reading, but I think we all enjoyed the break.

Sandman also had some serious work commitments, so we used our weekends to squeeze in as much family time as we could.  The boys went to there first rodeo where Ben tried Mutton' Bustin'.  We had a visit from Nanni.  Buddy lost his first tooth.  The boys got new-to-them bunks.  Buddy continued his horsebackriding.  We went camping.  Both boys had a soccer camp.  I got to visit some good friends.  Most of our days were spent at home, especially when the summer heat and sun were unbearable.  We ended our summer with a trip to Houston that was a mess schedule-wise, but we made lemonade out of lemons.  Be patient with the wonky pics....still working....
pre-rodeo excitement

watermelon fun!

Nanni brought some old Star Wars toys!

Father's Day Lunch with Mister "I won't perform for you."

unless we play rock, paper, scissors....

Nugget's New Nest

Buddy's Big Boy Bunk

Summer ride on Shorty

Where's Nanni?

We had to wear sweatshirts on the 4th of July!

British Soccer Camp

Prairie Dog Town

NASA!  Buddy was in awe of the Saturn V rocket

As much as I love a good break, I am craving a legitimate routine.  We start school on Monday, and I know it will be work to get us all back into the swing of things, but I know the boys will appreciate the routine, too.  Nugget will start preK in the same preschool he attended last spring.  He'll be there three mornings each week, and we love his little school.  Buddy starts 1st grade and will continue horsebackriding as a part of his school day once a week.  We are toying with him riding twice a week, and I've given myself two weeks to see how things go, but I imagine we'll go back to once a week.  We have chosen to not praticipate in this semester's homeschool co-op group, even though it's only once a week for 8 weeks.  I have gone back and forth on that decision, but ultimately, it means that four mornings each week we're up and out, and three is hard enough.  We will wait and see how things go for the spring co-op.  I imagine that this co-op will be more valuable when the boys are a bit older.